If you were as disappointed as me with the limited options available in Photo Mode, you'll be pleased to know that the patch adds Contrast, Fog and Bloom options as well as increasing tilt to 90 degrees - plus, you can now hide the UI with a single button press like contemporary photogenic games God of War and Spider-Man. A new Visual Customisation System allows players to change the physical appearance of weapons and armour while retaining the stats - I'm personally looking forward to converting some powerful masked Helmets into the circlet-style headgear so that my Kassandra doesn't look quite so goofy. Loot is apparently "smarter" now, with gear rewards leaning towards a player's combat style. The Mercenaries tab now has a clearer explanation of the benefits given in each tier, and apparently the patch is also attempting to fix the Mercenary Live Events which have been put on ice after two failed attempts to release them.

The Level Cap is going up from 50 to 70 and any XP accrued by players currently past the 50 cap will be honoured - so expect a bunch of ability points to show up today if you have been adventuring for a long time past 50. As per Ubisoft's recent update, the patch contains a lot of quality of life improvements.