Maybe The Big Bad Wolf got injured by a human on a failed livestock raid, and now he cannot chase even his normal prey. Wolves only prey on humans when they're very desperate and hungry. TL DR: The only reason The Big Bad Wolf comes into conflict with humans is because he's starving to death.This will quickly draw the ire of humans.

In this case, the only reliable, plentiful source of food is human livestock. Combine this with the fact that not every day is going to end with a successful hunt, and The Big Bad Wolf will quickly start starving. But smaller prey is also quicker and harder to catch, and even if the hunt is successful, the meat from a rabbit is barely worth the energy sunk into chasing it. Without his pack to help him down large prey, he had to hunt smaller prey.

He cannot hunt normally, because wolves hunt in packs, and The Big Bad Wolf has no pack. The Big Bad Wolf does not hunt normally.TL DR: The Big Bad Wolf's family is either dead, or was so abusive that he ran away.But in reality, lone wolves are alone because either their pack is dead or because the pack was so antagonistic towards the wolf that it decided that going it alone and risking starvation was better. We think of the "lone wolf" as a cool individual whose isolation is voluntary. Wolf packs are not motley crews of unrelated individuals, they're families consisting of a breeding pair and their children. Let's look at the archetypical Big Bad Wolf. A shame they may not be able to do that in Pretty Cure to explain that Dark Is Not Evil. The element of Darkness worked for Sailor Saturn I believe.So either way, the Sixth Ranger Cures being purple and amber/gold is still legit. There are three different warm colors on the pact (one of which belongs to Cure Sunny): yellow (Cure Peace), amber/gold, and red/orange. She uses a Red Decor and the Smile Pact glows red during the transformation, but her overall image color is orange.